Even before you go to university, we are told to pick a single field of study. While fields are beneficial for ease of...
October 15
Since January I have created a tool which allows for the creation of a database of Wikipedia edits, [Namespace Databas...
August 9
On normalising fat bodies in media
June 30
Since January I have created a tool which allows for the creation of a database of Wikipedia edits, [Namespace Databas...
June 15
As of today, I've been in self-isolation for two weeks. Two surprisingly productive weeks I'm proud to admit. Over this...
March 27
Industrialisation was a sweeping force in 19th century Europe that changed the way people thought about the world. Bri...
March 7
Up to now I have been updating this website by pushing to production and seeing if anything broke. As I now have a blo...
January 17
To propose a new emoji to the Emoji Subcommittee of the Unicode Consortium, one needs to provide evidence that the con...
January 7
AutoHotKey is a tool for automating repetitive tasks, most commonly for easy text replacement as you type. Correcting c...
November 14
Since mid-October in my free time I've been adding roads and houses, benches and fire hydrants to [OpenStreetMap](http...
November 1
Microsoft have already dethroned Notepad++ and they are coming for Samba. It's no longer necessary to mount remote volu...
June 15
### Abstract
The nature of holistic processing is a key channel of enquiry and this review focuses on three papers ...
May 19
Lip-reading mainly concerns discerning non-audible words solely from facial movements. This is a task which seems very ...
November 15
Art is often seen as something which is undefinable, as it seems impossible to reconcile architecture with a poem, or a...
April 27